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Monday, September 7, 2020

Open Letter to the six Black billionaires in the US

 Good morning Good People,

I hope this letter finds you well.  Cause I am writing from a position of great pain.  Our country is being torn asunder and you seem not to care.

There are over 600 billionaires in this country, and only 6 are Black.  It must be lonely at the top folks, but I have an idea that might help.

Currently the Black population is .more or less 50 million. Over 50 million folks that you and you alone can elevate with a stroke of your pen.  Have I peaked your interest?   Let me lay it out for you.

Create a charitable trust and give every Black man, woman and child $1 million dollars, tax free.  Divided 6 ways that's a measly 9 mill apiece.  Come on folks, that's a pittance.  And kindly consider the tax advantages.  

I often wonder how it feels to have the power to alleviate suffering, you my fine fellows can do just that.

With a million dollars per head Black neighborhoods could be revitalized, Black business will find a more level playing field. Black institutions of higher learning would see a massive boost in enrollment. Black owned banks would spring up all over the country. 

We could replace the confederate monuments with renderings of you.  Children would bear your names.  This is a chance to put a whole population on. While money doesn't solve everything, it makes problems much easier to bare.  You know it in your heart of hearts, because most of you started at the bottom.

By this one act alone you would be immortalized in song and fable.  Think about the benefits to you personally. Yet more important is the benefit to your people.  Your generous contribution would reverberate for generations.  It would not be a handout it would be a hand up.  

Have you read the headlines? Have you seen the viral videos? Have you driven through the inner city and seen all the boarded up businesses?  The cogs that keep this country running are being murdered in the streets by 'people' charged with protecting us do just the opposite. To have the power to change this and not use it for the benefit of you fellow Black American Descendants to the Enslaved is maddening to me.

Yes, there will logistics to work out, and whitelash and a whole lot of other variables, but the one constant would be that you used your tools to save this country.

That is a legacy worth considering. Do the right thing Fam.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Glowing and Growing with the Global Girls Inc..

On a recent Sunday afternoon I had the honor and pleasure of shooting the 20th Anniversary Gala of the 'Global Girls Inc.

This organization is dedicated to introducing Black children to the arts, and these are some very talented kids.

Marvinetta Penn has been hard at her good work for 20 years.  This shero has been the guiding light for a very fortunate group who studied with her for the last 20 years.  Ms. Penn has wrought miracles, pushed past barriers and overcome roadblocks for the benefit of two generations of Chicago's children.

The Global Girls studio is a hidden gem in the hood. Here is a sanctuary, a safe space dedicated to performing arts as well as education and life lessons.  It is not just Global Girls, there is also Global Gents and Global Seniors.

Ms. Penn taught in the CPS system for 17 years and decided her unique skill sets would be better utilized by direct contact with the children she so dearly loves.

And they love her right back.

The venue, The Quarry on 75th Street was packed to the rafters with proud parents and avid supporters.  I had a ball shooting this event mainly due to the pride and delight that filled the air.

The young artists hit the stage running, so dedicated, so excited, so involved.  Heartwarming is the best descriptive term I can use.

Our people showed up and celebrated right along with the well-prepared performers. 

The crowd was filled with  enthusiastic supporters of the arts in Chicago, so it was like a family reunion. There was dancing in seats, singing along with the performers.  Such an inspiring and life affirming energy was evident in the smiles and laughter of performers and the audience.

The children and young adults involved with Global Girls, Inc. were prepared, patient and proficient.  Each participant brought fire to their performances. The camaraderie and mutual concern was a delight to behold.

My wish is that every Black child have access to a mentor on the caliber of Marvinetta Penn.

She lives and breathes for her programs, and it showed in the polished perfection of the event.

I did not discover this wonderful program until 2 months ago, but I now a staunch supporter of this worthwhile endeavor.

If I was a mother with children, I would entrust them to Marvinetta.  An able ally for the youth of the southside of Chicago, a champion for the people, she feeds their imaginations, aspirations and goals.

Several alumni of the program are now doing big things with the skills they learned
from Ms. Penn

.With such dedicated, innovative and love, I predict Global Girls Inc.  will be around for another 20 years at least.

You can find out more about this group on the website -http://www.globalgirlsinc.org/