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Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Turn on any media device and you will be bombarded with images from the massacre this weekend.  I've cried so much that my lashes are coming off.  That, in the face of such horror is trivial, and you are right. But I have to get this off my chest.

America, what the f..., how can we allow this to go on, week after week, day after day and do absolutely nothing about it?

If I can see the correlation between assault weapons and mental instability, why can't our government?

I feel foolish asking the question we all know the answer to...the NRA owns our government body and soul.

I never imagined that I would live to see the day that gun violence would be such a prevalent occurrence.  And it is breaking my heart.

Along with the hearts of the family, friends and loved ones of the 49 victims that were murdered in cold, calculated fashion by someone that should not been allowed near a water pistol.  

"How could this happen?" is a cry heard round the world each time some unhappy soul uses a gun to solve his issues.  

"How can we stop it?"  Make it illegal to own a large magazine rifle in the USA.  How hard is that?

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