The most important election in the history of the USA is fast approaching. Don't be distracted by the fuster cluck that is Drumpf, or the 3 ring Democratic is not just the presidency that is at stake, it is the fate of the country.
We can be influenced by mass media, or we can do our own research, draw our own conclusions and vote our conscience.
That is all I ask.
Remember the names of the 52 that refused to vote on any form of gun control on the heels of the deaths of 49 Americans.
Remember Freddie Gray, Sandra Bland, Tryvon Martin and all the others sacrificed on the alter of racism.
Remember the ongoing war on women being waged by the GOP, christian fanatics and the media.
Remember Donald Drumpf, the clown prince of racist, backbiting, illiterate, bigots everywhere. There is little human about this man.
Remember our ancestors fought and died for the right to vote in this country.
Remember the warriors for civil rights that gave their lives.
But most of all, remember to vote.
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