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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Love does not hurt you, people do

I heard about the Red Line stabbing today, and had to shed a tear for lives lost and ruined in the name of "Love."  But further research indicates that the alleged killer was demanding that the woman have his baby.

Hold on, this is 2016, it's her body and she can conduct herself as she pleases.

Such was not the case and this is the subject of our meeting today.  Ladies, you must choose better.  I know it is hard, and lonely and you are horny...blah..blah..blah, but you must pick better.

Consider the fact that all mothers did not do a good job with man-rearing.

They are not at all the mother that went to jail cause she whipped her thieving sons.  Most mothers I have observed lately haven't taught their boy how to cross the street at the light.

Back in the day ( I see that eyeroll), people were kinder to each other.  We at least asked for first and last names before hitting the sheets.  People had better self-control too, none of this slitting your throat nonsense.  

Also absent in the world today is empathy, according to reports no one came to her rescue, but there are photos of her body on the net.

We must do better, help more, get involved, call the police.  But young women, you must do your part as well.  Before you bring some gentleman around your children, do some research, at least google him.

I recall the mating game differently, the crazy ones gave off some sort of signal.  But in the digital age, all those ticks can be filtered out.  

This might appear to be callous, but some of you need to hear this, it's a cruel world, getting crazier by the day. You must guard against the users, abusers, creeps and control freaks.  For your sake and the sake of your loved ones, be careful out there.