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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Go Home America, you're drunk

I am so pissed off right now.  America, you are getting on my nerves. Your racist roots are showing and it is making me angry.

In the age of instant information, there is no room for the slap-dash manner in which you deal with People of Color.

Your latest act is heinous, reprehensible and down right dumb.

The Standing Rock Sioux do not want that dratted pipeline, the environment does not want that pipeline and any one with sense should not want it either.

The rapid deterioration of our air, land and water will only be hastened by the greedy and grasping nature of the Fossil Fuel Fanatics.

Pipelines are popping all over the country, crap seeping into our soil.  Money-Media is keeping this quiet, but our Native brothers and sisters need our help right now as much as we need theirs.

As we read this, the water supply is being cut-off, seems the Feds have more tolerance for right-wing gun nutz than Native American protesters on their own land.  This obvious inequity is making me crazy.

That group of nabobs associated with that takeover of governmental land were treated like frat boys. The Bundy Fiasco went on for weeks, it took the government 4 weeks before they cut off their supplies. These protesters trying to protect their land are being treated like terrorists.

We cannot drink oil, we cannot eat crops contaminated by oil spills, gas leaks and other unspeakable horrors that await us if we keep insulting Mother Earth.

So I am asking you to educate yourselves, send money, write to the government.  Call your legal representatives, tell them that we love our land more than money. I stand with the Standing Rock Sioux.

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