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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Spin Class 2016

So I sit at the 'puter, reading the coverage of the Drumpf and I am getting steamed all over again.

What the fuck is "Sexual Misconduct"?  It is a phrase I have seen/heard bandied about in reference to the great orange menace. Are you kidding me?  

According to Webster's, misconduct is...
noun  mis·con·duct \-ˈkän-(ˌ)dəkt\

Simple Definition of misconduct

  • : wrong behavior : behavior or activity that is illegal or morally wrong
Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary

Being grabbed by the pussy is both illegal and immoral.
There has to be a stronger, more definitive word...oh yeah there is, sexual assault.

Attention Mass Media, we see your moves. Using modifying language for a crime cause OM (Orange Menace) is rich. You cannot marginalize, offset, undermine, confuse or bamboozle us. You soft-pedal coverage of his antics and expect us not to notice. We notice.

Why wasn't this tape leaked long ago you might ask?
I am going to give you my take...this whole circus has been in the works for quite awhile.  What we see is orchestrated, it's a staged reading of a presidential election.  We're the captured audience at the mercy of spin doctors, feeding us poison in the guise of choice.

Media Experts(?) know that the "Sheeple" have a short attention span, we are loathe to hold celebrities, politicians or sports figures accountable.  And sure as sunrise, there is going to be another distracting event in 3..2..1, designed to take our minds off the slight of hand.  The magic tricks taking away our rights, our freedoms, our very existence as individuals.

Remember some of us are "WOKE" and more are waking up every day.  It is a shame that folks have to do their own fact-checking cause Faux News ain't gonna do it for us.

So as staffs are cut, papers fold, magazines have lower and lower subscriptions, you must wonder why is this happening?  Cause Mass Media took the kool-aid.  Dollars were more important than real reporting.  The result is a mish-mash of half-truths given in 10 second sound bites.

Sad situation when the press won't stand up for it's own.  So I know I cannot trust you to stand up for me.

"Deia Schlosberg was charged with three felonies, two Class A, and one Class C on Thursday. The charges included conspiracy to theft of property, conspiracy to theft of services and conspiracy to tampering with or damaging a public service. The charges can be combined in a 45-year maximum sentence."

I haven't seen much printed outrage at the obvious miscarriage of justice with regard to your colleague.

So you will understand when I cancel my print subscriptions.  My pockets are not deep enough to pay for your versions of the news.

Now, you will be lining the bottom of the birdcage, unread and unmourned.

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