By now we are all aware of the young black brother that biked 50 miles to school to sleep in a tent at his college until his dorm opened in August. His name is Fred Barely. He was assisted by police officers, who heard and believed his story. They went so far as to feed him and put him up in a hotel.
Somehow one of the cops' wives got involved and set up a goFund me page for our young brother.
School let him move in early, all's good, until this hit the fan:
Well talk about an Indian giver. Come on Lady, you fund-raised for him, you are not his mother.
No do-overs Sis, he is an adult and you raised the money for him fair and square. What he does with it is not any of your beeswax.
And GoFund Me, what's your major malfunction. Are you telling me you can suspend access on the say-so of the originator? Is that plainly indicated to the recipient?
Let's be real for a minute folks. When this started, the charitable woman had no idea that they would garner such a positive response. People sent him almost 200k, oh happy day. It was all beer and skittles until the young man wanted to buy something the organizer did not approve of.
Then all the red flags started waving, they had to verify his story, blah, blah, blah. I call bullshit. Too late to get the genie back in the bottle.
Even if you do not have faith in the young man, I do. He has ambition, drive, dedication and will be a success with or without your assistance.
What I suggest is that you search your soul Ms. Left-Handed giver and consider what you have said in your little message.
You indicated that this young man is untrustworthy. On what basis do you imply that he is not worthy of your charity because you doubt his credibility. What you should know is I doubt your charity and integrity.
When you embarked on this great charitable quest, I know you did not have a clue that his story would touch so many hearts, but it did big time. And nowhere did I see you are in charge of a grown assed man and what he does with his money.
Got words for gofundme too. You raise money for cops that kill unarmed civilians, root canals, speed boats and fake boobs, why the special scrutiny now?
Give him his money please.