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Monday, July 18, 2016

Dear Republicans, are you effing kidding me here?

In this age of insanity, I thought I'd seen everything, but this latest stunt is simply beyond the pale.

You can have Stacy Dash, she's just a warmed over sitcom star that has no relevance in the real world.  She is not pretty enough or smart enough to count.  Stacy is just an attention whore that is too lazy to work and too nervous to steal, so she latched on to your group.  Good riddance to bad rubbish. She was a pretty girl, but the crazy glint in her eyes is not attractive.

Please take Omarosa  too, she ain't been black since Michael Duncan died.  Her antics do not play well in the Inner City.  So you may keep that witch as well. I do not know who the Drumpf advisers are, but clearly they do not have a clue about what appeals to black Americans.

Yes, she is dark, but she ain't down, if you feel me.

And why all of a sudden is the Republican Party is thirsty for black votes.  Too little too late.  Can't trust any political party that lets Herr Drumpf speak for them for the past 18 months or so.

Ya'll let him speak hate, fear and bias in the air and no body said nothing.  Not one of you said a freaking word for 16 months.  Now, after you have allowed this man to humiliate, alienate, and 
discriminate his way to the convention, all of a sudden you don't want to know him.  Too late dudes, your bad decisions, lack of backbone and complacent attitude has allowed this huckster to step out on the world stage.

Not because he is wise, or erudite or even handsome. Nope, because he's rich.  I've searched for one redeeming quality on said presumptive candidate and that is the only thing I came up with.

And because you are spineless, cowardly, backward thinking cretins, you are stuck with him and George Zimmerman.

What a line up people, no wonder there was chair-throwing on the convention floor.  

There is no magic bullet to get your party out of this fine mess, but you better do something quick before you have to suffer through another inaudible speech from the presumptive candidate's immigrant wife.  She has been here at least 15 years and I can't understand a word she says.  Her soft-porn pics I can take, but not her mangling the English language.

The less said about Chochi the better, he is a sad, desperate little man that will do anything for attention.

In parting, let the words of the great Ice Cube be your  guide " Better check yourself before you wreck yourself"...


  1. Well stated. I am of the same mind. However it is to little to late for the USA, if that fool is elected. This is why I pray.

  2. Well stated. I am of the same mind. However it is to little to late for the USA, if that fool is elected. This is why I pray.

    1. I'm praying too, and so are millions of others. Thanks for commenting Cuz!!
