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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Women, it looks we are going to have to save the world ourselves

Of course, by now we seen the video of the foaming at the mouth, racist, hate-filled rant issued by a grown white woman aimed at a black teenager.  The things she said were so off-the-wall, she must have been at the meth before they left the house.

I cannot fathom that type of hatred and for that I am grateful.  I forced myself to watch the entire video, every excruciating second of it.  What made me even more upset is that no one said a word in the black family's defense. Not the manager of the restaurant, the other patrons, nobody said a mumbling word.

I can't say I blame them cause she was leg-biting mad, and she is rabid.

The force with which she screamed that her "ancestors used to own niggers" made me back away from the screen.  This new-age Eva Braun was not having any more of this Black Lives Matter nonsense (satirical remark). This woman committed aggravated battery on a teenager (verbal assault), no one had her back but her Mother. Thankfully it ended before the black family was arrested.

All I can advise Ms. Nazi, is pick your battles Dear, cause you step to the wrong Sister and you will get dog-walked all around the room.

Yet there is hope.  I met/heard/friended a different type of white woman, a woman with a soul and a mission. Let me introduce you to Laurella Willis.  Here is a real sister in our struggle.  She has more guts than I do cause she is walking down South Ashland with a sign.   A sign that reads "Black America I'm Sorry".  Four words that are so easy to write.  But a burden she she should not have to bear alone.

When I discussed it with one of my advisers (lol), they were quick to point out that she is doing it alone.  Had to remind her that it has to start somewhere, sometime with someone, and it started with her.

Check out her Facebook page, I did.  And as you read this Sis is on her way to Baton Rouge to attend Alton's homegoing.

The comments on her page from racist assholes like Ms. Nazi above are beneath contempt, just one long racist diatribe that fully exemplifies why Laurella's mission is so important.

She has my full support.  I am hopeful that her lone voice will soon be joined by other white voices who are also sick of white racist bullshit being forced down this country's throat.

I am glad she is another soldier in the coming war.  I hope that others who did not know what to do to help stop the war on black people in this country, learn from her.

Sister Laurella, you get Stacy Dash's spot at Thanksgiving. 

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