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Monday, July 11, 2016

What next America?

For the past four days I have been walking around in shell shock. The unnecessary deaths weigh heavy on my mind, and I could not keyboard, I just couldn't.

And I am still in shock that is fast turning to anger...and black folks in America deserve to be angry.

Notice I said angry, not violent.  Violence begets violence and we all know that the cowardly, gun -toting shooters wont be worth a s**t in a fire fight.  Which means when the actions of the trigger-happy precipitates marshall law, most law-abiding black folks will be in big trouble.

Big trouble because we might get caught in some serious cross-fire, and our ghetto shooters are notoriously bad shots.

I m trying to contain a whole string of invectives, but I don't have time for that.

What I do have to accomplish is setting my mindset back to the fifties.  And this is pissing me off.  My mother marched on Marquette Park, down Kedzie Avenue, anywhere Dr. King asked his people to go, and absolutely nothing has changed.

That is not true, something has changed, the caliber of our law enforcement officers.  I come from the age of Officer Friendly, but cops ain't so friendly anymore.

This culture of cop fear is in large part self-generated.  If you know that you are guilty of unprofessional conduct, its hard to do the job you are paid for, that is to serve and protect the citizens of your city. 

And because you put your life on the line every day, resentment breeds contempt.   But you knew the job was dangerous when you took it. So we now have a bunch of disgruntled peace officers, who are not peaceful at all.

So America is in a sort of siege with itself because cowards abound.  Scared shitless the whole lot of us.  Scared to move forward, extend the hand of friendship to someone physically different than themselves. Scared to stand up to the oligarchs that are ruining this country.  Scared to get traffic stopped because the cop doing the stopping might be scared enough to shoot and kill me.

Black folks talk a good game, but we sometimes stop short of the goal. All the bravado in the world will not replace determination, we should stop talking and start doing.

Shop from Black or minority owned Mom and Pop stores, give Macy's a pass.  We only have to stop shopping for a week or so to demonstrate the power of the black dollar.

Each victory, no matter how small will help us end the War on Racism.

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