Traveling life's highways, taking shots as I go. Offering advice and opinions. Celebrating all this life has to offer.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
OK America, now what
Well, well, have gone and done it now Amerikka. You actually elected a serial philanderer, with anger issues and a short attention span.
Since his civil trial for sexual assault is pending, I don't see how he'll have time to bone up on Foreign Policy before he's sworn in.
And did you just give the keys to the kingdom to a man that lost 918 million dollars in one year. Come on, this is a joke, right?
No it is not a joke it is the worst fucking American tragedy since 9-11. As I type this I hear the rattle of chains in the background. The president-elect of the USA is a bigoted, racist, crass, demanding, vicious little toddler. And you gave him the nuclear codes.
We all had a good laugh at his expense when his face was plastered all over the news peeking his poor wife's shoulder. He wasn't checking to see who she voted, he was checking to see how to operate the voting machine.
This does not bode well for the future of the United States. I am not going to harp on all the other hundreds of ways he is not qualified to be the president of a glee club, let alone the once great USA.
I am just going to hope that he doesn't get in a twitter war with Putin and drop a bomb on the Kremlin.
But I am not going to put all the blame on the poor deluded fan base he seemed to accumulate, that will be done by better minds than mine.
What I am going to put before you is ....Now What...
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Spin Class 2016
What the fuck is "Sexual Misconduct"? It is a phrase I have seen/heard bandied about in reference to the great orange menace. Are you kidding me?
According to Webster's, misconduct is...
noun mis·con·duct \-ˈkän-(ˌ)dəkt\
Simple Definition of misconduct
- : wrong behavior : behavior or activity that is illegal or morally wrong
Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary
Being grabbed by the pussy is both illegal and immoral.
There has to be a stronger, more definitive word...oh yeah there is, sexual assault.
Attention Mass Media, we see your moves. Using modifying language for a crime cause OM (Orange Menace) is rich. You cannot marginalize, offset, undermine, confuse or bamboozle us. You soft-pedal coverage of his antics and expect us not to notice. We notice.
Why wasn't this tape leaked long ago you might ask?
I am going to give you my take...this whole circus has been in the works for quite awhile. What we see is orchestrated, it's a staged reading of a presidential election. We're the captured audience at the mercy of spin doctors, feeding us poison in the guise of choice.
Media Experts(?) know that the "Sheeple" have a short attention span, we are loathe to hold celebrities, politicians or sports figures accountable. And sure as sunrise, there is going to be another distracting event in 3..2..1, designed to take our minds off the slight of hand. The magic tricks taking away our rights, our freedoms, our very existence as individuals.
Remember some of us are "WOKE" and more are waking up every day. It is a shame that folks have to do their own fact-checking cause Faux News ain't gonna do it for us.
So as staffs are cut, papers fold, magazines have lower and lower subscriptions, you must wonder why is this happening? Cause Mass Media took the kool-aid. Dollars were more important than real reporting. The result is a mish-mash of half-truths given in 10 second sound bites.
Sad situation when the press won't stand up for it's own. So I know I cannot trust you to stand up for me.
"Deia Schlosberg was charged with three felonies, two Class A, and one Class C on Thursday. The charges included conspiracy to theft of property, conspiracy to theft of services and conspiracy to tampering with or damaging a public service. The charges can be combined in a 45-year maximum sentence."
I haven't seen much printed outrage at the obvious miscarriage of justice with regard to your colleague.
So you will understand when I cancel my print subscriptions. My pockets are not deep enough to pay for your versions of the news.
Now, you will be lining the bottom of the birdcage, unread and unmourned.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Main Stream Media is a hot mess...
Well I call bull-shit. Too little, too freaking late. I am telling you that we see your bs and call you on it.
Herr Drumpf is a monster you created. You catered to his every whim, hung on his every word. His every inane, unfiltered utterance was considered a gem beyond price.
Now that your boy has exhibited his total inability to be a human, let alone President, you attack him like the ravening beasts you are.
No wonder print journalism is going the way of the dodo. You only have your own selves to blame.
He has never attempted to hide his lack of character, poor work ethic and tendency to say whatever pops into his head. Point of fact, he showed up and showed out. And you pandering bastards published every syllable of his hate-speak. Some of the new outlets had the nerve to fake outrage, but you still hung on and published every word.
You paraded him all around the world like a great orange Thanksgiving's Day float, spewing venom, hatred and stupidity to all and sundry.
Now, that the USA is an international punchline, you're mad.
Sorry, you can't un-ring this bell. Can't escape your responsibility in this whole sordid, sorry mess.
So what now are you going to fix this gosh-awful mess. I'm waiting Mass Media.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Go Home America, you're drunk
I am so pissed off right now. America, you are getting on my nerves. Your racist roots are showing and it is making me angry.
In the age of instant information, there is no room for the slap-dash manner in which you deal with People of Color.
Your latest act is heinous, reprehensible and down right dumb.
The Standing Rock Sioux do not want that dratted pipeline, the environment does not want that pipeline and any one with sense should not want it either.
The rapid deterioration of our air, land and water will only be hastened by the greedy and grasping nature of the Fossil Fuel Fanatics.
Pipelines are popping all over the country, crap seeping into our soil. Money-Media is keeping this quiet, but our Native brothers and sisters need our help right now as much as we need theirs.
As we read this, the water supply is being cut-off, seems the Feds have more tolerance for right-wing gun nutz than Native American protesters on their own land. This obvious inequity is making me crazy.
That group of nabobs associated with that takeover of governmental land were treated like frat boys. The Bundy Fiasco went on for weeks, it took the government 4 weeks before they cut off their supplies. These protesters trying to protect their land are being treated like terrorists.
We cannot drink oil, we cannot eat crops contaminated by oil spills, gas leaks and other unspeakable horrors that await us if we keep insulting Mother Earth.
So I am asking you to educate yourselves, send money, write to the government. Call your legal representatives, tell them that we love our land more than money. I stand with the Standing Rock Sioux.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Losing Lincoln Park Zoo
Growing up black on the South Side of Chicago, Summer was not complete without the trips to Lincoln Park Zoo. My family was luckier than most, our Mom would take us at least 3 or four times in summer so that we could see the babies.
Mom would prepare TipTop bread, Scotts Street Loaf and Imperial sandwiches, thermos with Hawiian Punch and some graham crackers for dessert. Every once and a while she'd let other kids come too, but the best times when we went alone with our Mommy.
Lincoln Park Zoo opened in 1868 with a gifted pair of white swans as it's first residents. Most Chicago residents have been there at least once.
This is Wilma The White Spoonbill Stork, quite a beauty ain't she?
While we were meandering through what is truly a remarkable piece of property, Mom would tell us about the animals, pronouncing their Latin names. And how the critters would cut up when the Mosby Mob came to town. Condors would swoop when Kimmy ran up to the cage, birds would peck me in the head ala Tippy Hedron and Mike would eat too much.
My siblings and I got to know every nook and cranny of the dusty old place. We never realized just how small those enclosures were, or the trapped and haunted look in the eyes of the exhibits. We were children, excited to see real wildlife right there in front of our eyes.
I hadn't been back in awhile, so I wasn't adverse to a trip down Memory Lane. The sticker shock is amazing, yes it is still free, but $2.50 for a bottle of water, come on!! And get this, the water fountains don't work-wtf!!
I have to admit that I did enjoy strolling the grounds, snapping pictures as I went. But the enjoyment was tinged a bit with guilt because they are existing in captivity, and that must be rough. Never to feel the savannah under your feet, never to fly swiftly for miles into the sun, never to wallow in the waters of your homeland.
My family names everything, cars, pets, get the drift. So I started naming my photo subjects above is Myrna the Meerkat, and below is Melvin the Melencholy Lion. He roared a few times, turned his back on his audience and pooped. Didn't capture that, thank goodness.
Don't misunderstand, I realize the value in zoos, just wish they didn't exist.
But the kids tho, they were losing their minds!!! Little, shrill voices hyped up on sugar and pure, sweet adrenaline. I remember those days well. Squeals of delight, gasps of awe and wonder. The Zoo can be magical when you are too short to see reality of their habitats.
Humans were not the only ones having a good time, cause I swear this bird above is giving me shade. I had a good ole belly laugh at this bird's expense, so I'm calling her Doozy.
Here's Larry the Leopard who is all out of f**cks to give. I spent 15 minutes of my life I will never get back trying to get him agitated enough to move, home boy did not budge.
Some subjects were more willing than others, meet Mike the Meetkat, Myrna's ex. Dude is cocky, ain't he ?
Mike made me laugh out loud. And if it weren't for this little guy, I might have decided not to go back. But I have to find out if he and Myrna make it. Stay tuned for an update.
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Happy Birthday Snoopy
You cannot tell it by looking at him, but Snoopy has led a thrilling life...
He has been to space, flew in World War One and got to kiss Lucy.
His creator, Charles Schultz, was in my opinion, one of the finest artists of our age. He drew with humor, passion and wit. We believed in the Peanuts Gang, so much that my Militant Mom never said a word about the lack of black characters. She was too busy laughing.
Sunday morning meant Mom would read us the "Funny Papers" and we always started off with Peanuts. Never knew what that Snoopy might do.
Mr. Schultz was "woke" and introduced Franklin, the first black
character in 1969 when Martin Luther King died.
Snoopy has been around flying, thinking, pranking and playing for as long as I remember. His strong sense of honor and bravery have inspired many. But I had to take pause...when I googled Snoop...Snoop Dogg came up first. I guess a cartoon does not trend as high as a rapper.
Now Snoopy is ready to retire, SS about to kick in and I have one thing I want the GOP to know, don't try coming for his Social Security cause the Peanuts Gang ain't having it.
Friday, August 5, 2016
Where were you when Jimi died?
Being a child of the radio, I was blasting WVON and WLS all my waking hours. My Grandmama was constantly telling me to "turn that mess off". Eventually she got used to it, but my Black friends were a different story.
July, 1964 I went to a picnic, radio was playing and a Beatles song came on. I sang and danced and popped my nine year old fingers like they were singing to me. My childhood buddies were appalled, "you a Uncle Tom, how you like white man's music, you a Tom". It stung, but I did not care, I kept bopping and bobbing cause the Beatles spoke to my soul. Back in the day to be called an "Uncle Tom"was worse than someone talking about your Mama, I was not affected by their scorn. They had no idea what they were missing and I was too busy rocking to tell them.
Soon I was searching for posters, buying Teen Beat magazine and spending my allowance on 45's. For my 10th birthday Mom gave me my own portable stereo and a whole bunch of records, I was transformed. I'd sit in the middle of my bed, pajama clad and dizzy with anticipation play "Michelle" by the Beatles over and over and over again.
The sounds that issued from my stereo reverberated to my very core. That music was magic.
James Taylor, CCR, Cream, OMG...Just thinking about them makes me happy.
And then here comes Jimi Hendrix...I cut my hair off, start wearing it natural and listening to "All Along the Watch Tower" full blast while doing my chores.
Janis Joplin, Jefferson Airplane, The Funkadelics, Buddy Miles, Jethro Tull...I love each and every one of those artists and more. Rock and Roll has seen me through some pretty rough times, helped me celebrate, mourn, love and lose.
Right about this time I discovered pot, pills and LSD, I was primed for mind expansion and possibly brain damage but I did not care. I was tooking away, held in the sway of the world changing around me.
I started watching the news report on Viet Nam and getting involved in social issues, boycotting the A & P, going to Breadbasket meetings. I was the change I wanted to world to be.
Then Jimi died, and I discovered that there are no end to the tears we shed for our heroes. Stunned, tears dripping down my face, sipping BaliHi wine and moaning. The charming, carefree world I lived in came to an end for me that day in 1970. I wept like my brother had died. And in a way he had. Jimi lead me from youth to young adulthood, his guitar strumming the background strains of my life.
I will always be grateful to Rock and Roll....
Monday, August 1, 2016
Waking the Dead, a look at the cost of violence in the USA.
So, it's Monday morning, scrolling through the FB feed like normal. Then I hit the shooting reports for Chicago this past weekend. 7 dead, forty-some wounded.
Then I began to wonder about the the families, loved ones and friends whose lives are changed forever in an instant. How could they cope with such devastating loss. Where does the pain, anger and grief go?
I consider myself extremely fortunate, my son was wounded by gun-fire 11 years ago.
No, he is not a thug, drug dealer or person of interest in a crime. He was at the wrong place at the wrong time. But the bullets didn't care about that.
There was a minute when we thought he would not make it, but he did and we are glad beyond words and grateful beyond measure.
This made me realize that the shock, dismay and helplessness I felt was being experienced all over the USA, every day. Multiply it by the rest of the world and families all over the world are in pain.
There are numerous and sundry reasons for the climbing gun play in America, we will not discuss them here. But we will talk about the toll, emotional and physical of gun violence.
1. Financial cost..the average (?) funeral in the US is $7,000.00 to $10,000.00. Who has that kind of money laying around? But the grieving scrape it together, mortgaging homes and selling heirlooms to provide a proper send off to their loved ones.
The alternative is cremation, which bothers a lot of folks, but not me. Average cremation costs $3,000.00 at best.
The funerary industry posted record profits last year, undertaking is big business. 20 billion dollars worth of profit and climbing.
This death business is very lucrative, and do not forget the prison for profit aspect of gun violence, cause sometimes the cops actually catch someone, put them in jail and I have to feed them for 5-25 years.
2. Emotional costs are incalculable. The sheer painful impact of the fact that someone you loved was gunned down in cold blood does not bear mentioning. And this has a ripple effect. There are literally millions of human beings walking around with PTSD. That is correct, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We are living in a war zone, fighting for our lives, our freedoms, water to drink and good food to eat. Is there any wonder that folks are snapping like twigs.
Each time you venture outside, there is a chance, ever so slight that you might not make it back. And this is no way to live, ask any combat soldier.
Children cannot play outside, folks can't sit in the park, lovers cannot stroll in the night air. This is no way for people to exist.
3. Our quality of life is directly effected by the violent crimes being committed every day. The Police are overwhelmed, undermanned, over-medicated and some are just plain nutz. The constant friction between the community and its police forces makes reporting a crime almost as dangerous as committing one.
We have watched cops kill citizens so much and with so much impunity that it is becoming routine. And I am sorely disappointed in myself, because I should be doing something, anything to help stop the blood-red tide staining the streets and threatening to flood us.
And it goes without saying that living in an atmosphere so violently charged is not good for your health. Knowing that you might be living next to a murderer is wearing on the nerves.
But I do not know what to do or where to start. So I will continue be vigilant and determined to help stop the violence using my tools, my voice and my vote.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished...
By now we are all aware of the young black brother that biked 50 miles to school to sleep in a tent at his college until his dorm opened in August. His name is Fred Barely. He was assisted by police officers, who heard and believed his story. They went so far as to feed him and put him up in a hotel.
Somehow one of the cops' wives got involved and set up a goFund me page for our young brother.
School let him move in early, all's good, until this hit the fan:
Well talk about an Indian giver. Come on Lady, you fund-raised for him, you are not his mother.
No do-overs Sis, he is an adult and you raised the money for him fair and square. What he does with it is not any of your beeswax.
And GoFund Me, what's your major malfunction. Are you telling me you can suspend access on the say-so of the originator? Is that plainly indicated to the recipient?
Let's be real for a minute folks. When this started, the charitable woman had no idea that they would garner such a positive response. People sent him almost 200k, oh happy day. It was all beer and skittles until the young man wanted to buy something the organizer did not approve of.
Then all the red flags started waving, they had to verify his story, blah, blah, blah. I call bullshit. Too late to get the genie back in the bottle.
Even if you do not have faith in the young man, I do. He has ambition, drive, dedication and will be a success with or without your assistance.
What I suggest is that you search your soul Ms. Left-Handed giver and consider what you have said in your little message.
You indicated that this young man is untrustworthy. On what basis do you imply that he is not worthy of your charity because you doubt his credibility. What you should know is I doubt your charity and integrity.
When you embarked on this great charitable quest, I know you did not have a clue that his story would touch so many hearts, but it did big time. And nowhere did I see you are in charge of a grown assed man and what he does with his money.
Got words for gofundme too. You raise money for cops that kill unarmed civilians, root canals, speed boats and fake boobs, why the special scrutiny now?
Give him his money please.
Monday, July 25, 2016
Welcome back Brother Michael, welcome back
Well, well, well...guess what I read about this morning. Michael Jordan made a public statement about the state this country is in.
“As a proud American, a father who lost his own dad in a senseless act of violence, and a black man, I have been deeply troubled by the deaths of African-Americans at the hands of law enforcement and angered by the cowardly and hateful targeting and killing of police officers,” Jordan writes in a one-page letter released exclusively to The Undefeated. “I grieve with the families who have lost loved ones, as I know their pain all too well.”
He has my respect and gratitude. Although he did not speak up soon enough for me, he put his money where his mouth is. His Airness is donating 2mil to charity to at least start a dialogue about the illness that permeates our society...racism and violence.
Both these states of mind are rooted in fear, how can we begin to alleviate it? Baby steps, baby steps and he appears to be moved to do something about it. Thanks Mike!!
Have to give it to him, he might be late, but at least he showed up.
Friday, July 22, 2016
Oh Donald, you f**ked up now, you messed with the O'Jays
Donald, Donald, Donald...what are we gonna do with you son, you keep shooting yourself in the foot.
I know it's hard being the object of so much ire, but you are bringing this on yourself. You know you don't want to be president, you haven't worked a day in your life.
You have never written a speech, written a book, let alone picked up a book. We should call your life story "How to Copy and Paste your way to the top".
In you I find all that is wrong with America, and you know what you are so I won't list them here, not enough space.
But I will touch on the highlights a bit;
Father of the year you are not, who would name their child after a financial newspaper, strike 1.
Not doing too well in the husband department either. I mean come on, no one in your camp thought that speech sounded even a little bit familiar? Or, did you think Americans were too damned dumb to know the difference? Or did you just not care how sending your wife out to deliver a speech and asking her to say she wrote it. Come on Dude, she can't write the alphabet. Strike 2
But this latest caper is gonna get you defeated, you messed with the O'Jays......
The O'Jays are rhythm and blues royalty boy, you can't get away with using their ode to love in your campaign, IT IS NOT ALLOWED.
Let me give you a little background;
They formed in 1958, and have been crooning ever since. Children were conceived to their music, lovers married to their music and loved ones buried to their music.
So you did not even deign to ask, you just high-jack their music, like you take everything else.
The O'Jays music transcends color, race and creed. I have heard "Love Train" played at every wedding I've attended since 1972. I mean every one black, white, green or gray.
So no Donald, you cannot re-work the words and turn that anthem of love, peace and happiness into a vehicle for your hate-filled campaign. Go have several seats.
And thanks for standing up to the O'Jays, I see you...
I know it's hard being the object of so much ire, but you are bringing this on yourself. You know you don't want to be president, you haven't worked a day in your life.
You have never written a speech, written a book, let alone picked up a book. We should call your life story "How to Copy and Paste your way to the top".
In you I find all that is wrong with America, and you know what you are so I won't list them here, not enough space.
But I will touch on the highlights a bit;
Father of the year you are not, who would name their child after a financial newspaper, strike 1.
Not doing too well in the husband department either. I mean come on, no one in your camp thought that speech sounded even a little bit familiar? Or, did you think Americans were too damned dumb to know the difference? Or did you just not care how sending your wife out to deliver a speech and asking her to say she wrote it. Come on Dude, she can't write the alphabet. Strike 2
But this latest caper is gonna get you defeated, you messed with the O'Jays......
The O'Jays are rhythm and blues royalty boy, you can't get away with using their ode to love in your campaign, IT IS NOT ALLOWED.
Let me give you a little background;
They formed in 1958, and have been crooning ever since. Children were conceived to their music, lovers married to their music and loved ones buried to their music.
So you did not even deign to ask, you just high-jack their music, like you take everything else.
The O'Jays music transcends color, race and creed. I have heard "Love Train" played at every wedding I've attended since 1972. I mean every one black, white, green or gray.
So no Donald, you cannot re-work the words and turn that anthem of love, peace and happiness into a vehicle for your hate-filled campaign. Go have several seats.
And thanks for standing up to the O'Jays, I see you...
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Dear Republicans are you effing kidding here-part two
I have to admit that my stomach hurts from all the laughing I've done since I woke up and found out about ...."Melaniagate".
It's like the RNC is doing this on purpose. And it is hilarious.
Did they really think that no one would notice the similarities in the speech given by Mrs. Drump and the speech given by the First Lady? Or are the speechwriters deliberately trying to make Melania look bad?
Considering who she married, I thought she could not look any worse, but I was wrong.
No one on their team thought to check the content before she got up on a world stage and made herself the object of an internet sh*tstorm the likes of which will go down in history.
I am sure we are going to hear a lot about "context", do not buy into that, somebody stole Mrs. Obama's work product. I see a law suit in the Drumpf's future. Oh, wait, there are 60 lawsuits ahead of her's, so why bother.
And before you start yammering on about how unfair I am being, I don't see fairness in stealing someone else's thoughts and pretending you wrote them.
This is not FLOTUS behavior, Melania. Don't let that double-dealing, back-stabbing, racist, sexist, ferret-wearing man tell you otherwise.
Even wife number one has put you on blast...
Reportedly Ivana says you are not First Lady material because you are shy, and can't speak well.
While her motives are suspect, it is food for thought.
In my opinion The Donald did not do a good job of getting you ready for the spotlight. He could have hired a speech coach, real speech writers and maybe an acting coach. Cause you don't act like you are interested in all this campaign nonsense, at all.
I do not know much about you, but I hope you realize that your husband is a serial philanderer. Come to think of it, didn't he cheat on his second wife with you. And you have been together 18 years....based on his previous history, your time with "The Donald" might be coming to a close.
So take a page from the books of wives 1 and 2 and start a business, write (?) a book, go back to school, get a hobby. Anything to help pass the time while you wait for Donald to say ........"You're Fired.
Monday, July 18, 2016
Dear Republicans, are you effing kidding me here?
In this age of insanity, I thought I'd seen everything, but this latest stunt is simply beyond the pale.
You can have Stacy Dash, she's just a warmed over sitcom star that has no relevance in the real world. She is not pretty enough or smart enough to count. Stacy is just an attention whore that is too lazy to work and too nervous to steal, so she latched on to your group. Good riddance to bad rubbish. She was a pretty girl, but the crazy glint in her eyes is not attractive.
Please take Omarosa too, she ain't been black since Michael Duncan died. Her antics do not play well in the Inner City. So you may keep that witch as well. I do not know who the Drumpf advisers are, but clearly they do not have a clue about what appeals to black Americans.
Yes, she is dark, but she ain't down, if you feel me.
And why all of a sudden is the Republican Party is thirsty for black votes. Too little too late. Can't trust any political party that lets Herr Drumpf speak for them for the past 18 months or so.
Ya'll let him speak hate, fear and bias in the air and no body said nothing. Not one of you said a freaking word for 16 months. Now, after you have allowed this man to humiliate, alienate, and
discriminate his way to the convention, all of a sudden you don't want to know him. Too late dudes, your bad decisions, lack of backbone and complacent attitude has allowed this huckster to step out on the world stage.
Not because he is wise, or erudite or even handsome. Nope, because he's rich. I've searched for one redeeming quality on said presumptive candidate and that is the only thing I came up with.
And because you are spineless, cowardly, backward thinking cretins, you are stuck with him and George Zimmerman.
You can have Stacy Dash, she's just a warmed over sitcom star that has no relevance in the real world. She is not pretty enough or smart enough to count. Stacy is just an attention whore that is too lazy to work and too nervous to steal, so she latched on to your group. Good riddance to bad rubbish. She was a pretty girl, but the crazy glint in her eyes is not attractive.
Please take Omarosa too, she ain't been black since Michael Duncan died. Her antics do not play well in the Inner City. So you may keep that witch as well. I do not know who the Drumpf advisers are, but clearly they do not have a clue about what appeals to black Americans.
Yes, she is dark, but she ain't down, if you feel me.
And why all of a sudden is the Republican Party is thirsty for black votes. Too little too late. Can't trust any political party that lets Herr Drumpf speak for them for the past 18 months or so.
Ya'll let him speak hate, fear and bias in the air and no body said nothing. Not one of you said a freaking word for 16 months. Now, after you have allowed this man to humiliate, alienate, and
discriminate his way to the convention, all of a sudden you don't want to know him. Too late dudes, your bad decisions, lack of backbone and complacent attitude has allowed this huckster to step out on the world stage.
Not because he is wise, or erudite or even handsome. Nope, because he's rich. I've searched for one redeeming quality on said presumptive candidate and that is the only thing I came up with.
And because you are spineless, cowardly, backward thinking cretins, you are stuck with him and George Zimmerman.
What a line up people, no wonder there was chair-throwing on the convention floor.
There is no magic bullet to get your party out of this fine mess, but you better do something quick before you have to suffer through another inaudible speech from the presumptive candidate's immigrant wife. She has been here at least 15 years and I can't understand a word she says. Her soft-porn pics I can take, but not her mangling the English language.
The less said about Chochi the better, he is a sad, desperate little man that will do anything for attention.
In parting, let the words of the great Ice Cube be your guide " Better check yourself before you wreck yourself"...
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Women, it looks we are going to have to save the world ourselves
Of course, by now we seen the video of the foaming at the mouth, racist, hate-filled rant issued by a grown white woman aimed at a black teenager. The things she said were so off-the-wall, she must have been at the meth before they left the house.
I cannot fathom that type of hatred and for that I am grateful. I forced myself to watch the entire video, every excruciating second of it. What made me even more upset is that no one said a word in the black family's defense. Not the manager of the restaurant, the other patrons, nobody said a mumbling word.
I can't say I blame them cause she was leg-biting mad, and she is rabid.
The force with which she screamed that her "ancestors used to own niggers" made me back away from the screen. This new-age Eva Braun was not having any more of this Black Lives Matter nonsense (satirical remark). This woman committed aggravated battery on a teenager (verbal assault), no one had her back but her Mother. Thankfully it ended before the black family was arrested.
All I can advise Ms. Nazi, is pick your battles Dear, cause you step to the wrong Sister and you will get dog-walked all around the room.
Yet there is hope. I met/heard/friended a different type of white woman, a woman with a soul and a mission. Let me introduce you to Laurella Willis. Here is a real sister in our struggle. She has more guts than I do cause she is walking down South Ashland with a sign. A sign that reads "Black America I'm Sorry". Four words that are so easy to write. But a burden she she should not have to bear alone.
When I discussed it with one of my advisers (lol), they were quick to point out that she is doing it alone. Had to remind her that it has to start somewhere, sometime with someone, and it started with her.
Check out her Facebook page, I did. And as you read this Sis is on her way to Baton Rouge to attend Alton's homegoing.
The comments on her page from racist assholes like Ms. Nazi above are beneath contempt, just one long racist diatribe that fully exemplifies why Laurella's mission is so important.
She has my full support. I am hopeful that her lone voice will soon be joined by other white voices who are also sick of white racist bullshit being forced down this country's throat.
I am glad she is another soldier in the coming war. I hope that others who did not know what to do to help stop the war on black people in this country, learn from her.
Sister Laurella, you get Stacy Dash's spot at Thanksgiving.
I cannot fathom that type of hatred and for that I am grateful. I forced myself to watch the entire video, every excruciating second of it. What made me even more upset is that no one said a word in the black family's defense. Not the manager of the restaurant, the other patrons, nobody said a mumbling word.
I can't say I blame them cause she was leg-biting mad, and she is rabid.
The force with which she screamed that her "ancestors used to own niggers" made me back away from the screen. This new-age Eva Braun was not having any more of this Black Lives Matter nonsense (satirical remark). This woman committed aggravated battery on a teenager (verbal assault), no one had her back but her Mother. Thankfully it ended before the black family was arrested.
All I can advise Ms. Nazi, is pick your battles Dear, cause you step to the wrong Sister and you will get dog-walked all around the room.
Yet there is hope. I met/heard/friended a different type of white woman, a woman with a soul and a mission. Let me introduce you to Laurella Willis. Here is a real sister in our struggle. She has more guts than I do cause she is walking down South Ashland with a sign. A sign that reads "Black America I'm Sorry". Four words that are so easy to write. But a burden she she should not have to bear alone.
When I discussed it with one of my advisers (lol), they were quick to point out that she is doing it alone. Had to remind her that it has to start somewhere, sometime with someone, and it started with her.
Check out her Facebook page, I did. And as you read this Sis is on her way to Baton Rouge to attend Alton's homegoing.
The comments on her page from racist assholes like Ms. Nazi above are beneath contempt, just one long racist diatribe that fully exemplifies why Laurella's mission is so important.
She has my full support. I am hopeful that her lone voice will soon be joined by other white voices who are also sick of white racist bullshit being forced down this country's throat.
I am glad she is another soldier in the coming war. I hope that others who did not know what to do to help stop the war on black people in this country, learn from her.
Sister Laurella, you get Stacy Dash's spot at Thanksgiving.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Greed is a god in America
Here we are, July 12, 2016, and just when I think humans might have a chance, I read about Obama's selling letters his brother, the president of the United States wrote him. This story might be old, but I have another example of just being greedy coming up.
I just rankled me that a relative feels it's necessary to sell private correspondence. What a thirsty way to act. And he has sold letters twice before. Come on Brother, the average wage in Kenya is $78.00 a month, I know. But I also know as a half-brother of the President of the United States, you have plenty of clout.
Hey "Roy", send his letters back you jackal. Your father would be ashamed of you.
And now that I got that off my chest, let's talk about the former Mrs. Dwayne Wade. Come on Sis, let's get real. Suing your former attorney because he did not anticipate that Dwayne would make tens of millions more in his lifetime, what a joke.
Sorry, Sis, no do-overs. And I think it's time for you to move on.
Whatever situation you find yourself in, I believe it was based on the decisions you made in the past.
I am sure you have "frenemies" whispering in your ear, urging you on, instigating this bull-crap. Don't you fall for it Sis. I call you Sis cause I too, have been where you are. Hurt and unhappy, wanting to visit some of that hurt on the person that we think caused it.
Yet this is not the way Sis, not at all. When you pounced on the opportunity to sue your attorney years after the fact is disappointing, you're too old to be this petty.
Consider the impression you are leaving on your sons, the product of the love you once shared. That's some sterling example you are setting girl.
I know he hurt your feelings, and he's happy and your not, still not excuses to keep living in the past.
Stop pulling these stunts Sis, you are acting like a crazy woman, not cause you're wrong. But because you must be crazy if you think any jury is going to award you money when you got $5 mil in the settlement.
Go have several seats and contemplate how you can make a living for yourself.
I just rankled me that a relative feels it's necessary to sell private correspondence. What a thirsty way to act. And he has sold letters twice before. Come on Brother, the average wage in Kenya is $78.00 a month, I know. But I also know as a half-brother of the President of the United States, you have plenty of clout.
Hey "Roy", send his letters back you jackal. Your father would be ashamed of you.
And now that I got that off my chest, let's talk about the former Mrs. Dwayne Wade. Come on Sis, let's get real. Suing your former attorney because he did not anticipate that Dwayne would make tens of millions more in his lifetime, what a joke.
Whatever situation you find yourself in, I believe it was based on the decisions you made in the past.
I am sure you have "frenemies" whispering in your ear, urging you on, instigating this bull-crap. Don't you fall for it Sis. I call you Sis cause I too, have been where you are. Hurt and unhappy, wanting to visit some of that hurt on the person that we think caused it.
Yet this is not the way Sis, not at all. When you pounced on the opportunity to sue your attorney years after the fact is disappointing, you're too old to be this petty.
Consider the impression you are leaving on your sons, the product of the love you once shared. That's some sterling example you are setting girl.
I know he hurt your feelings, and he's happy and your not, still not excuses to keep living in the past.
Stop pulling these stunts Sis, you are acting like a crazy woman, not cause you're wrong. But because you must be crazy if you think any jury is going to award you money when you got $5 mil in the settlement.
Go have several seats and contemplate how you can make a living for yourself.
Monday, July 11, 2016
What next America?
For the past four days I have been walking around in shell shock. The unnecessary deaths weigh heavy on my mind, and I could not keyboard, I just couldn't.
And I am still in shock that is fast turning to anger...and black folks in America deserve to be angry.
Notice I said angry, not violent. Violence begets violence and we all know that the cowardly, gun -toting shooters wont be worth a s**t in a fire fight. Which means when the actions of the trigger-happy precipitates marshall law, most law-abiding black folks will be in big trouble.
Big trouble because we might get caught in some serious cross-fire, and our ghetto shooters are notoriously bad shots.
I m trying to contain a whole string of invectives, but I don't have time for that.
What I do have to accomplish is setting my mindset back to the fifties. And this is pissing me off. My mother marched on Marquette Park, down Kedzie Avenue, anywhere Dr. King asked his people to go, and absolutely nothing has changed.
That is not true, something has changed, the caliber of our law enforcement officers. I come from the age of Officer Friendly, but cops ain't so friendly anymore.
This culture of cop fear is in large part self-generated. If you know that you are guilty of unprofessional conduct, its hard to do the job you are paid for, that is to serve and protect the citizens of your city.
And because you put your life on the line every day, resentment breeds contempt. But you knew the job was dangerous when you took it. So we now have a bunch of disgruntled peace officers, who are not peaceful at all.
So America is in a sort of siege with itself because cowards abound. Scared shitless the whole lot of us. Scared to move forward, extend the hand of friendship to someone physically different than themselves. Scared to stand up to the oligarchs that are ruining this country. Scared to get traffic stopped because the cop doing the stopping might be scared enough to shoot and kill me.
Black folks talk a good game, but we sometimes stop short of the goal. All the bravado in the world will not replace determination, we should stop talking and start doing.
Shop from Black or minority owned Mom and Pop stores, give Macy's a pass. We only have to stop shopping for a week or so to demonstrate the power of the black dollar.
Each victory, no matter how small will help us end the War on Racism.
And I am still in shock that is fast turning to anger...and black folks in America deserve to be angry.
Notice I said angry, not violent. Violence begets violence and we all know that the cowardly, gun -toting shooters wont be worth a s**t in a fire fight. Which means when the actions of the trigger-happy precipitates marshall law, most law-abiding black folks will be in big trouble.
Big trouble because we might get caught in some serious cross-fire, and our ghetto shooters are notoriously bad shots.
I m trying to contain a whole string of invectives, but I don't have time for that.
What I do have to accomplish is setting my mindset back to the fifties. And this is pissing me off. My mother marched on Marquette Park, down Kedzie Avenue, anywhere Dr. King asked his people to go, and absolutely nothing has changed.
That is not true, something has changed, the caliber of our law enforcement officers. I come from the age of Officer Friendly, but cops ain't so friendly anymore.
This culture of cop fear is in large part self-generated. If you know that you are guilty of unprofessional conduct, its hard to do the job you are paid for, that is to serve and protect the citizens of your city.
And because you put your life on the line every day, resentment breeds contempt. But you knew the job was dangerous when you took it. So we now have a bunch of disgruntled peace officers, who are not peaceful at all.
So America is in a sort of siege with itself because cowards abound. Scared shitless the whole lot of us. Scared to move forward, extend the hand of friendship to someone physically different than themselves. Scared to stand up to the oligarchs that are ruining this country. Scared to get traffic stopped because the cop doing the stopping might be scared enough to shoot and kill me.
Black folks talk a good game, but we sometimes stop short of the goal. All the bravado in the world will not replace determination, we should stop talking and start doing.
Shop from Black or minority owned Mom and Pop stores, give Macy's a pass. We only have to stop shopping for a week or so to demonstrate the power of the black dollar.
Each victory, no matter how small will help us end the War on Racism.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
My heart is heavy right now, as are the hearts of every compassionate person that can read in America.
Two police murdered-citizens in as many days, my mind cannot comprehend this. My soul is sore and aching.
America is eating itself up with hatred, racism and fear. Surely fear can be the only explanation for these shootings. A deep rooted fear, that culminates in murder. And it is epidemic. Assured that the courts will support this type of reprehensible behavior, these cowardly, craven alleged officers of the law shoot citizens down in broad daylight.
A fear so pervasive as to render the shooters incapable of humanity. I saw Alton Sterling's video footage and the shooter's fear was palpable.. you could hear it in his voice. And his hatred and fear has destroyed two families, his and his victim's.
But what his actions are not going to do is discourage me from the fight for justice for all citizens of this country.
I heard the cries of their loved ones, and it tore me asunder, because the next one crying could be me, or you or anyone.
This behavior is a symptom of the illness that is infecting my country. Intolerance, cruelty, racism are all symptoms, and only the opposite can begin the healing process. Understanding, compassion and better training are good places to start
I sorta understand the basis of the fears that drove these officers to shoot unarmed citizens, it is the fear of losing your good government job and benefits, the fear of your heavy duty fire power, because a police officer should not have to shoot 6 times to subdue a "suspect" on the ground whose arms you are kneeling on.
While I understand it, I am not going to stand for it and neither are my people, the American people who will no longer put up with your racist bull-s**t. Worried about your pension, get over it and remember you are a human being.
To the New-Day Saints too numerous to recount on this page, I promise you will never be forgotten, your sacrifice is not in vain.
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